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Creating a better support system for veterans through blockchain technology.

Create real change

Join communities dedicated to helping veterans, identify projects that make a difference and donate directly to them. We need you.

Make your impact

Your $MIL tokens offer access to a decentralized community of people like you. Contribute to projects that make a real difference.

Experience the rewards

You’re committed to getting involved and making a difference. You’re building a better world for our veterans. It only seems right that you get rewarded.

Phase 1: Launch

First steps towards creating a new way to support veterans and first responders through decentralization and community engagement.

  • Distribute presale NFTs

  • Techrate Audit

  • Deploy Token

  • Certik Audit

Phase 2: Push

Once publicly active, we’re launching a marketing blitz to make people aware of the token, and a seminar tour around the world to educate consumers on the fundamentals of benefits of buying Military.Finance tokens.

  • Marketing push

  • Seminar tour start

  • Fund first cause

  • Webinar series - benefits & education break down

Phase 3: Platform Lauch

First steps towards creating a new way to support veterans and first responders through decentralization and community engagement.

  • Move DAO to custom tech

  • UX testing to improve DAO

  • Introduce custom tools and integrations

  • Invite members into private access DAO platform

 Phase 4: Growth & Expansion

Once publicly active, we’re launching a marketing blitz to make people aware of the token, and a seminar tour around the world to educate consumers on the fundamentals of benefits of buying Military.Finance tokens.

  • Continued marketing push

  • Seminar tour expansion

  • MIL merchandise platform launch

  • Non-profit, NFT, and DAO Incubator program

 Phase 5: Complete Autonomy

Administration because synonymous with the community. The keys to the castle are controlled by the community and the DAO becomes completely and fully autonomous.

  • Launch final version of DAO

  • Set DAO up for full autonomy

  • Implement tweaks

  • Give DAO full control

Have a real say in how help gets delivered to veterans and first responders.

Join the $MIL Fund DAO and bring about real change

Choose projects to receive grants

Join communities focused on the causes you care about

Decide how veteran- and first responder-benefiting treasure is spent

Grow your reputation in the communities you join


When you buy a token and join the $MIL Fund DAO, you decide which projects are funded by the treasury.


$MIL, the token that changes lives.

$MIL Fund: This low-fee platform is focused on identifying and funding projects that assist veterans. It is built on the blockchain and governed by members.

$MIL Fund DAO: Joining gives you a voice in equipping veterans and first responders for a better life. 

$MIL Donation Wallet: This is the communal treasury that is funded and operated by the community.


Every part of $MIL is designed to empower you to create momentum around assisting veterans and first responders. It gives you a voice in how and when veterans and first responders receive the tools they need.

When you buy the token and join the $MIL DAO, you have a vote in how funds are used to assist veterans and first responders.



 A veteran-supporting treasury, built by you.